Wednesday’s Child: A Twin No More

Twin Girls on Tricycles 1940

Twin Girls on Tricycles 1940 (Photo credit: born1945).

Twins can be scary. Two identical beings doing something totally harmless is changed with the addition of a little scary music into something terrifying. If twins in movies aren’t evil, there’s a good possibility it is a good twin-bad twin scenario, usually culminating in the bad twin attempting to kill his or her  sibling.  But what happens when you have two good twins, and one becomes a zombie?

Parents of twins Bethany and Julie never imagined the turn their life would take when the girls went into the family‘s fields to play one afternoon and Bethany was attacked by an adult zombie. Alerted by Julie’s screams of terror, they raced outside.  By the time they reached the girls, they could only save one.

As hard as it was for them to understand the random attack that turned one daughter into a zombie, it was harder to explain to her twin what the transformation meant to the sibling relationship. At first they attempted to care for Bethany at home. A large family farm, isolation from neighbors, and sturdy outbuildings all contributed to their belief that they could keep both daughters at home.  They soon learned that keeping a zombie child requires more than thick doors and sturdy locks.

With no stimulation or companionship, twin Bethany spent her waking hours trudging around the barn in a circle.  She kept her eyes on the floor, moaned lowly, and, on the rare occasions she had visitors, either ignored them or attempted to bite them. The bright, lively girl she’d once been turned into a shambling, dejected, defeated zombie.

Twin Julie missed her sister. The loss of her best and constant friend led to a fascination with the zombie lifestyle and risk taking behavior she hoped would turn her into a zombie, too. Her parents watched as Julie stopped eating anything except raw hamburger, refused to converse, only communicated via moans, and adopted a shuffling, ataxic gait. Her zombie impersonation was so accurate that an overzealous zombie vigilante took a shot at her one night. When the vigilante told her parents how he had almost killed her, they knew it was time to act.

Luckily the school guidance counselor was aware of the Zombie Emergency Relief Organization and quickly contacted our facility. We welcomed the entire family to our haven for an introduction to our services.  Julie was fascinated by the way our zombie kids interacted and played with others.  She watched as Bethany was introduced to other z kids and discovered that Bethany did communicate, just not like before.  Maybe it was the twin connection, but Julie quickly learned how to mimic the zombie moans and, to everyone’s surprise, by the end of their weekend stay Bethany and Julie were spending hours in moaning conversation with one another once more.

After an intensive weekend, the family returned to their farm and Bethany settled in to stay with us. Twice weekly Skype visits keep the family in touch, and Julie no longer desires to be a zombie kid. She’s found a way to keep the twin connection alive.

If you’re struggling with a similar situation, or know someone who is, shoot us an email at and receive information about upcoming events. We’re here to help.

Remember, we feed the zombie children so you won’t have to.

Zombie Playground

Zombie Playground (Photo credit: Jason Hutchens)

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